Curious what Skills Two Year Old’s Learn in Dance Class? You’ve taken the leap and signed your two year old up for his/her first dance class… Aaah! It’s such a big deal for your little parent heart!! You’re excited, but you’re also nervous. This might be your kiddo’s first activity all on his/her own. Wondering what these Darling little kiddos will learn? Here are just a few:

Skills Two Year Old’s Learn in Dance
- Social skills. This has got to be number one! These might be some of your kiddos first friends, or at least the first ones they are shut in a room with for 30 minutes with! We practice turn taking when going across that floor and doing obstacle courses. This also means they learn to wait and to listen for their name, which indicates it is their turn.
- Rhythm. Such a Huge part of dance! Kids can go years without being able to clap on the beat, let alone do battements (kicks) across the floor to the beat. We practice rhythm and different speeds with our fun colorful sticks. Kiddos absolutely love hitting the sticks on the ground and playing fast and slow with them! We undoubtedly play freeze with them also! It’s important for them to learn when to stop.
- Colors! A random benefit of dance class with littles is introducing colors. We might ask them what color scarf they have or to raise their egg shaker if they have a yellow one. We play the Color Freeze dance where they run to the coordinating hula hoop that the man singing calls out.
- Prepositions. In a class with a bunch of two year old’s, we like to introduce different prepositions. Yes, that word takes us back to elementary school! We talk about putting the scarf up, down, behind you, to the side, throwing it above, and more.
- Surroundings. This is a whole new ballgame for your kiddo, and being away from mom or dad might not happen a whole lot. Starting dance at the ripe age of two will introduce new skills, but it’s also simply to get them used to the environment.
We’re excited to get to know you! You can go to our Instagram to learn more about us. Go to our website’s Registration Page to sign up for classes, and definitely contact us with any questions; we’re happy to help!