Dance classes for all ages & skill level
Our experienced teachers are passionate about creativity and skill-building, while also making dance exciting and fun.
Ages 5+
This is a perfect combination class for young dancers of all ages. Ballet training promotes coordination, balance, correct body alignment and grace. Jazz dance introduces a stylistic dance vocabulary for a fun, funky and expressive way of dancing.This class is a fun and well rounded introduction to dance for young students.

Creative Movement
Ages 2-4
In this class we will skip, gallop and leap… stretch, crawl, wiggle and giggle. We introduce and teach basic ballet positions and movements. A portion of this class also allows the dancers to be able to freely experience their own moving body and find joy in dancing. This dance class is a wonderful introduction for the young student to a basic classroom structure in a fun and nurturing environment.
Ages 3+
Hip hop is a high-energy class that infuses the latest styles of street dancing, breaking, popping, and locking. Classes will encourage students to step outside of the box by bringing their own individual style and personality to the movements.

Ages 3+
Basic tumbling class where we will focus on flexibility, balance, strength and concentration, while still keeping it fun and exciting for our little dancers. Our experienced tumbling instructor will guide the class towards increased flexibility, balance, strength, muscle control, discipline and concentration. This class will focus on fundamental tumbling and acrobatic techniques, teaching such skills as handstands, chin stands, elbow stands, cartwheels, back bends, walkovers, balance and contortion tricks, all on each student’s individual level of experience. And it’s fun, too!